The Powder-Trans Group has renewed its website

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The Powder-Trans Group has renewed its website

Extended content on new web pages

The Powder-Trans Group has renewed its website. The new pages contain more facts and information about the company, including an animated presentation about the Powder-Trans of today and the company’s history, as well as the new personnel and customer magazine as an e-magazine. The layout of the pages is also clearer. In addition to information about the company, the web pages also contain news and announcements from the company.

With this renewal, we want to give our customers, partners, employees, and the public more comprehensive and always available facts and information about the company. In addition, we want to share the current news and events of the Powder-Trans Group, says CEO Fredrik Blomqvist. The renewed web pages are part of the project which the company started
at the beginning of the year, to increase visibility and marketing. With the new communication measures, we want to introduce another dimension in our way of working with the customerand all our partners as a partnership, Fredrik Blomqvist adds.
The new web pages comprise an image bank available for media. The pages are linked to the company’s pages on Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin. In the future Powder-Trans will increase the information and the company’s availability also on these pages.

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